Sunday Morning - 10:30 a.m.
Sunday Bible Study on YouTube
The heart of adult Bible study at New Life takes place on On the day we set aside for worship, we also set aside time to study the Scriptures together as a family. Sunday morning Bible study begins with time to discuss any questions or thoughts about the sermon or Scripture readings during worship. We continue with a pastor-led study on a book of the Bible, a contemporary issue, or a historical study that benefits us today. There is no reading or speaking required during Sunday morning Bible study. Feel free simply to sit in and grow in your knowledge and faith!
Watch for community events throughout this year as we celebrate our 50th year of serving the Lord in Hugo!
Friday Morning Bible Study
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Join us for fellowship, coffee, sometimes treats, and the fun we have being in God’s Word. No reading, no prep work, or sharing is required, we just would love to have you join us in the fellowship hall.
New Friday Bible Study: New Friday Bible Study Topics
Starting Friday, Feb. 21 (10:00 a.m. to noon), we will start two new four-week Bible Studies.
The first study is “Chosen by God.” This study will address four main topics: Who is the elect, why some but not others, has not God already called the shots, and pressing on to what is ours.
The second study is “Free in Christ” and will address the topics of Universal bondage of sin, freedom from the consequences of sin, freedom in conscience from the power of sin, and freedom to serve God and our neighbor.
See Linda W for more information. We are praying that you will join us.
Join us on Zoom by clicking here.
Lutheran Hour Men's Bible Study
2nd Thursday of each month 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Chosen Video & Bible Study (on hiatus until further notice)
1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
at Keystone Place, 14602 Finale Ave N, Hugo, MN 55038 2nd floor theatre. No Zoom available.